Saturday, February 26, 2011

Soccer is soaring to new heights!!!

Soccer season officially starts Saturday March 5th and due to the outstanding coaching done by Three Lions we have had to add another team in order to accommodate all the players who signed up! We couldn't say no to all the hopeful soccer players! There are currently TWO openings! These do not last long- we had three this morning!
If you are thinking about it, act on it or the spots will will be gone . E-mail if you have a child between the ages of 8-15 ( can NOT turn 16 in 2011) who would like to play soccer with Special Olympics!
We have a number of older kids/young adults who are looking for more members to start a Sr team. Let us know if you would be intersted in that as well. We need MORE players for that age group!

Boogie Fever!!

Sequins, flower power, disco balls,lots of big red hearts, great (healthy) food and awesome friends made for a funky night of dancing!! We did the Electric Slide, the Bump and more!

We had THE most beautiful lay out of food! And not a sugary cupcake in sight!!

Our parents are the BEST!!!

The beautiful setting seemed to bring out the best party manners in all the kids!!

A truly great night was had by all.

Thank you to everyone for making it happen... from all the parents and kids who helped decorate, plan, make food, teach children dance steps, and donated items, to Coach Kelley for being such a huge support to Club Layton and a special thank you to Coach Gary for mounting that disco ball and the entertainment he provides just by being himself.

What an incredible joy it is to watch such a large group of people come together to create such fantastic events for children!!!

You guys ROCK!

Feb 26, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The People Who 'ARE" by Dave Hingsburger

It's in the press again. I search to find out the context of the word. I see debates all over the web, people bemoaning the 'politically correct' and the 'word police' and making ridiculous claims about having to ban the concept of a 'fire retardant'. Last I looked there's never been a protest about products that protect from fire. Last I looked there's only ever been protests about the use of a word that demeans a group of people.

No matter what the fearless defenders of freedom of speech say, there is a huge difference between a word to describe something that slows fire and someone who learns differently. There's a huge difference between a thing and a person - but, no, maybe not. After reading their diatribes regarding their freedom to spit out hurtful words, they may, really, not see people with disabilities as fully human with a human heart capable human hurt.

People mock the concept of respectful language regarding disability. People make odd arguments about the latest gaffe by ... no, I won't say her name here ... they say 'she was saying that of herself not anyone else' - um, so? The word she used was one referring, not to a commercial product, but to an oppressed minority. Yet the debate rages on and the fierceness of the attack by those who are proponents of the use of hate language are both hysterical and who often purposely miss the point. One wonders what's at stake - their personal liberty to hurt others?

It's time to recognize that the 'R' word is an attack against who people with with intellectual disabilities 'are', it is an attack against the group that they belong to. It is like other words that exist to slur an entire people, unacceptable. The fact that people do not see the seriousness of the word and the attack it represents is simply a result of the fact that they do not take the 'people' who wear that label seriously. The concerns of those with intellectual disabilities have always been diminished and trivialized. There is a sneaking suspicion that they 'don't understand, poor dears', that they 'miss the point, little lambs' so therefore their anger need not be feared as justified.

To read the rest of this outstanding blog and more from Dave Hingsburger, visit hs Blog Rolling Around in My Head

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tone and Tumble

Coach Jimmy has the kid's working on agility, core strength, balance and specific tumbling skills. It's a challenging class! But also simple to modify for those who need to ease into it. Come join us EVERY Friday, 5-6pm. We do not have sessions, so you can drop in and out as you wish. We are accepting donations to pay Jimmy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Last fall we had the first of what we hope to be many more dances at Club Layton! Mary Noonan came to teach us real square dancing and we were all do si doing our way around the gym in no time while giggling with friends and having a great old time!!!

We are hosting our second dance Friday February 18 6:30- 8:30. This time it's a Valentine Disco Dance! Come join us for what is sure to be lots more fun and giggles!!!

Don't tell the kids that all the while they are having a great time, they are also learning social skills! One of the great things about Club Layton is that we are not a 'special' place just for people who are differently-abled. We believe all kids deserve a place alongside their peers in the community. We also believe children learn best by actually participating in typical kid activities, not being placed in an artificial environment and then taught social skills. Learning by doing is how we all learn!
Come join us as we learn life skills by living our lives!!!

The Magic Continues.....

The Charmers Cheer Team has earned a place to compete at the Worlds Cheerleading Championship to be held on April 28 & 29, 2012 in the Sports Complex at Disney World in Orlando, Florida!!!
A huge thank you to Kelley Layton from Layton Athletics and Champion Spirit for helping to make this magic happen!
Also for all the donations we have already received in the effort to make sure every single athlete from out team makes it there! One of our Jr coaches donated her $200 scholarship money to help!! We will be having many, many fundraisers during the next year! Right now we are selling World's Famous Chocolate bars! Available at the gym and various places around the area!!